I have family who live places where snow ravages their chances for winter fun time. I hear, "We've been stuck in this stupid house for THREE days!!!" all the time in the winter. So, here's to you lovelies stuck indoors and wishing for new ideas for winter family fun.
This article was submitted by Christina Johnson.
Fun Family Activities for the Winter
Winter can be a magical time with falling snow, the holidays, and cozy evenings spent nestled under blankets. It's also the perfect time for family fun. Celebrate the season with togetherness. Strengthen your family bond with these fun family activities for winter.
Build a Snowman: Bundle the kids up in their snow gear and head outdoors for some fresh air and a little physical activity. Encourage your children to be creative. Shape snow into a ball and then roll it along the ground until it reaches the desired size. Pack large snowballs on top of one another to form the body. The possibilities are endless for adorning your snowman. Use the traditional carrots and raisins for a nose, eyes, and mouth. Or go outlandish with items of your choice. For even more fun, attempt to create various snow creatures. Don't forget to take a break to make snow angels.
Ice Skating: Ice skating is a fantastic way to keep your family active and beat cabin fever during the winter chill. Whether it's outdoors or indoors of your Manhattan apartment, you will still have a blast. Dress warm and rent, or bring your own, ice skates. This wallet-friendly activity can yield hours of fun. Sip on hot chocolate afterward for a hot treat.
Make Your Own Snowflakes: Snowflakes are beautiful works of art and making your own is simple. Sit down as a family with eight-and-a-half by 11 inch sheets of paper, scissors, a stapler, a hole punch, and clear tape. Fold a piece of paper lengthwise and cut it in half. Start at one of the short ends and fan-fold the paper into half-inch folds. Staple the fan in the middle. Trim both ends with scissors and then use the hole punch to make designs on the fan-folds. Open up your masterpiece to create a circle and tape the edges together. Use fishing string or ribbon to hang your snowflakes around the house.
Holiday Decorating: Regardless of the holiday your family celebrates, holiday decorating can get everyone in the spirit. Let your imaginations run wild and create holiday themed crafts. Turn on some festive music, put out a plate of treats, and decorate your home together.
Create a Snow Mosaic: Provide furry creatures with a treat, enjoy the snow, and create art all at once. You will need birdseed, fruit and vegetables, such as carrots and apples, food coloring, and spray bottles. Fill the spray bottles with water and food coloring to create different colors. Cut up fruit and vegetables and then head outdoors. Have each family member lay down in the snow to create a body print. Be sure to wiggle around to pack the snow. Decorate the body print with birdseed and fruit and veggies to create a snowy self-portrait. Add color with the spray bottles and admire your artistry.
Have a Summer Flashback: Invite friends and neighbors over and have a summer beach party in the middle of winter. Buy some inexpensive grass skirts and summer-worthy decorations. Play warm weather tunes and teach the kids how to hula. To take it up a notch, create an indoor sandbox. Fill a large plastic storage container with rice and break out the beach toys, like buckets and shovels, and watch the fun begin.
These ideas for fun family activities for the winter are the perfect way to stay active, entertained, and enjoy time together in spite of the cold weather. Whether playing in the snow or making crafts, family members of all ages will have a blast. With a little imagination, you can beat those winter blues.

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