Sunday, April 7, 2013

Meal Planning 4/8 - 4/11

We are headed to my in-laws' home in Oceanside, California this coming weekend, so I only had to plan a few meals this week.

Monday: Baked Potato Soup. I'm using potatoes from my Bountiful Basket from two weeks ago and bacon I purchased from the butcher. I rarely eat meat, but when I do, I try to get it as fresh and hormone free as possible. This is a non-internet recipe I have doctored over the years. Now that it's summer and there is still light when I finish cooking, maybe I'll take a few pictures and post it as a new recipe! In the meantime, if you would like the recipe, comment below and I will send it to you.

Tuesday: Pasta with fresh tomato sauce. This link is the closest I could find online to what I will be making.

Wednesday: Revolutionary Mac and Cheese. This looks SUPER yummy! I'll toss in some asparagus on the side to make this a nice, full meal.
All set for a yummy week!
Breakfasts will be rolled oats. Brent likes to add brown sugar to his. I like to add honey and bananas to mine. Lunches will consist of sandwiches made with homemade Oatmeal Molasses bread and black bean and cheddar burritos. Our in-between snacks will be fresh produce and smoothies. I loaded up at Costco this week grabbing strawberries, bananas, plums, apples, grapes, blueberries, asparagus, baby carrots and spinach.

Helpful tip: I wash and cut all my produce in one sitting. It takes a while, but once the cleaning is finished, the produce is ready to grab-and-go during the week. This means (for my family) less produce rots sitting on the counter waiting to be prepped.

Happy eating!



  1. We are babysitting #3's puppy so I have a feeling I am not going to be able to meet you . Darn. But text me anyway. I'd like to try but can't promise.
    You are doing a great job on your meal planning. It pays to be organized

  2. Ugh, I fell off the wagon so badly this week in terms of eating right, in a perfect storm of menstrual hormones and 50% of Easter candy. :( I shall look at your healthy fridge and be inspired to re-direct this week. Off the internet, and to the gym now! ;)

  3. I will just blow up a picture of the contents of your fridge and stick it on the front of mine to look like we eat as well!

  4. Now that's it's summer? NOW THAT IT'S SUMMER?!!! I am SO not speaking to you for several months...


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