Thursday, November 17, 2011

My Week in Pictures

The week started at David's Bridal where I found my dress for Erika's wedding in February. Her color is Peacock which is a much darker shade of blue. I was worried I wouldn't find a dress I liked, but I found this one, which I loved!

Went to the Comfort Quilters' Quilt bee where Uncle Terry's quilt was completed. When I took it to the UPS store to ship, I met the EXTREMELY nice owners of the store who offered to ship our quilts for us as a donation to our cause. So sweet!

Poor Clara had to sit through me trying new bows in her hair. She seems thrilled...

I went to SAS and stocked up on some stash. This was an expensive visit!

I got these for Clara's stocking.

And I got some knits for skirts, a shirt, and a scarf. I'm in LOVE with maxi skirts right now. I just can't get enough of them!

We went shopping and mean old Aunt Lindsey put earmuffs on my baby!

We visited our friend Ira and her baby, Maya.

And perhaps the best part of my week: Clara. She is sitting so well in her Bumbo! She has been making a HUGE mess in the bathtub, splashing around and kicking her little feet. Bath time is her favorite part of the day. AND AND AND!!! she started laughing this week! She stares at herself in the mirror giggling and cooing to that baby on the other side of the mirror.

I just love being a mommy!

And, for WIP, still haven't touched Satan's Quilt. :)

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