I've joined the
Lovely Year of Finishes over on Flickr. It's not anything I have to make for, or even keep a schedule for. It's just a place for people to hold each other accountable for finishing their projects. I'm not really looking for accountability and I certainly wasn't looking to "join" ANYTHING new, but this feels right. A place to share stuff I've made. A place where people will look at it and maybe feel just a twinge of excitement over my finishes, as I will feel glad for theirs.

We were asked to introduce ourselves and I felt I was able to nicely sum up where I am now and what I hope for this year:
Oh dang. This feels like an AA meeting!
Hi. My name is Danny and I have a problem with finishing quilts.
I am a 25 year old SAHM. I am the director of a small, local quilting group making quilts for people with cancer. I am also the Bee Mama for Stash Bee and the chair for the Phoenix Modern Quilt Guild Bees. I participate in Stitch Tease - An International Mystery Quilt Bee, although if I'm being totally honest, I'm REALLY far behind on that one! I love fabric and color and seem to sew a little bit every day. I like diet coke and tea and a slab of tiramisu every now and then, although I do eat healthy most of the time. Being mommy is my highest priority so I spend lots of time playing "The Lion Eats the Princess" and "Hide and Seek" and memorizing sing song books about furry animals.
This year I would like to make more for my family. Last year was quite ridiculous. I had NOTHING to share at my guild's end of year show-and-tell because nothing I made stayed with me. I plan to join less and sew more. I plan to complete projects I've started for me and my family and not start lofty projects for other people that will cut into my precious family time. I guess I just want to have fun this year and have something to show for it!! I'm sure we are all in the same boat!
So now comes the time when I share what January will look like:
- Flannel baby quilt for a friend. The top is completed on this one. Just need to stitch in some batting, back, and tie.
- Flannel Plus Quilt for my best friend in the whole wide world who has NEVER received ANYTHING handmade from me. Yeah, and it was supposed to be a wedding gift a year ago. Shame. I feel shame. But the top is put together on that one too.
- Flannel Diagonal Quilt (?? The name needs work) for me. Something warm and cozy I can snuggle with my man under while we watch Psych this winter! It's back on in February. Oh, and I've almost finished the top. It will be the first quilt I will have made for me.
- Scrappy Trip Around the World quilt. Top is finished. This was a REFRESHING quilt, to say the least!
- I Spy quilt. Top is complete. Just need to quilt it.
- Beatles Quilt. Top is complete. Just need to quilt it.
And on that note, the reason all these quilts have been piling up?? The no good, terrible, dirty, jerk of a Viking doesn't quilt. Long story. I promise it's coming soon. Anyway, I bought a new Juki to take her snotty little place. More on that one later too.
So, there's January. There's what I've done so far. I promise there will be more pictures once the baby is back to 100% and I can take her outside.