
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Update on Maze

I've had a slight oversight and I must apologize. I posted about our California trip and forgot to tell you all how Clara Mae's hospital visit went today!

For those of you who are in the dark, Clara's pediatrician sent us to see a Pediatric Endocrinologist after some weird body issues and unhealthy blood work.

So, today we made the trek into Phoenix to go see our doctor at Phoenix Children's Hospital. Can I just say, that place is amazing! The inside is bright and cheerful and the whole place is just... happy. Everyone who worked there was super nice and the place really catered to the children being treated there. Awesome experience. But anyway, our doctor was extremely knowledgeable and told us all about puberty and why some children go through puberty early. After her check up and reviewing her blood work, he told us it could be one of two things:

1. We just happen to have caught her when her hormones were high and it's something she'll grow out of on her own.

2. It is a problem with the central endocrine system, likely a pituitary adenoma (brain tumor).

He explained how estrogen ages the bones and aides in closing growth plates and assured us that with a few x-rays, he could decipher whether or not we needed to continue testing for a brain tumor, or if she just had high hormones for the moment.

We went downstairs to radiology where they got us in immediately. Three people holding her down and a dozen or so x-rays later, we were on our way to ice cream; our humble apology for waking her up early so strangers could poke and prod her all morning!

The doctor called us later this evening to let us know he had the test results and things look great! Her bone age is about 15 months, and since she's 13 months, that's pretty darn close. He told us there is no exact science to aging the bones, just comparing one sample to a binder full of others, but he doesn't think there was any need for us to think she had anything terrible going on. We have a follow-up appointment in December, but she has a clean bill of health! Praise God!

Thank you to all of you who prayed, sent well wishes, happy thoughts, and who cared. I appreciate you more than words can express.

Now you can go look at our California pictures. :)



  1. Yeh for good news! I bet you'll sleep easier tonight!

  2. Fab news - give her a squeeze from me xx

  3. So glad to hear she is well! I cant even imagine what waiting for results like that must be like!

  4. Woohoo! Awesome news Danny - I've been thinking of Maze (and you) a lot. So, so happy for you :o)

  5. Oh gosh what a relief and great news. How stressful it must have been for you waiting for those results! Glad all is OK xx

  6. Glad to hear you received good news!

  7. So pleased to read this today!! Mind you I do think doctors need to learn not to terrify us every time they see something that's a bit of a wobble on the scale!

  8. Breathing a sigh of relief for you! Such great news!

  9. What wonderful, wonderful news!!! Congratulations!

  10. Hooray! This is wonderful news!

  11. That is such wonderful news! I'm so glad!
    And it sounds like a really cheerful hospital. Makes me wish that the grown-up hospitals would use more color.

  12. So happy that little Miss Maze is OK...
    She looks like such a happy little gal at the beach! Glad you guys took a break and enjoyed the water. I'm a transplant from CA to NM and I only miss the beach!!!

  13. And there was much happy dancing!

  14. Yay! Thank God! So happy for you!

  15. I'm so happy for you! Thanks for posting an update.

  16. yay!! sending hugs and happiness your way :) xoxo

  17. Oh my gosh I'm so thrilled and relieved for you all!!!!! Woo Hoo!!! Wow, that's such good news!

  18. Agradecimentos e louvores a Deus por notícia aliviadora.AMÉM .AMÉM?Beijos e muitas bençãos para sua filha doce e sua família linda.Orações contínuas.Fique bem.

  19. What a sigh of relief! This is truly great news. :)

  20. WONDERFUL news, Danny! great big hugs to both of you! Cathy K

  21. I am so so happy for you! That's such good news!
    We will continue to pray that everything is still good in December.

  22. I breathe a sigh of relief for you so huge you wouldn't believe. Eat ice cream, laugh, cry, dance with joy. Amazing good news!

  23. I've been thinking of you, even though we've never met in person, I could imagine the things that must have been going through your head. I'm so happy that Phoenix Children's gave you some good news!

  24. This sounds great! Oh I know how terrible the days must have been. I wish you all the best and many more ice creams (without any visit in a hospital again).


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