
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Beach Firsts

A couple weekends ago, we decided to randomly up and go to Oceanside, CA. My in-laws have a place there that they usually rent out, but as luck would have it, they had a couple weekends free and invited us along to join them! We were super excited because we had never taken Miss Maze to the beach before (last time we were able to visit, she was only a couple weeks old!) Clara had a blast and the experience was everything I hoped it would be. She touched. She played. She ate. She chased seagulls and screamed at people. Even though she was due for her nap, she made the most of her beach trip and this mama couldn't be happier!!

This is going to be a photo heavy post. Enjoy!

View from condo
View from condo




First touch
First touch

Maze touches sand

Maze playing in sand

Touch the sand!!

Maze and Mama sea gaze

Grandma the photographer

Daddy bringing water

Making mud

Maze eating sand

Surfer grandpa


The clan

Maze at beach

I. Am. Awesoooommme!

Maze and Mama


Oceanside Pier

And for Jess, who is interested in what MY world looks like, here's my desert:


More dirt.
More dirt

Train and dirt.
Train and dirt

Dirt with a mountain.
Dirt with a mountain

Dirt with shrubs.
Dirt with shrubs

Fast dirt.
Fast dirt

Another mountain and more dirt.
Another mountain and more fast dirt

So there you go Jess. My desert. Taken from a moving vehicle because it is STILL way too hot to go outside!



  1. Que bom que vocês puderam aproveitar esse passeio.Lindas fotos.Eu começaria mordendo esses pés limpos e continuaria mordendo os pés empanados de areia,eu amo pés de bebês,sua filha É linda.beijos e bençãos para vocês.

  2. Great photos--so sweet to see you savoring the moments.Every time you hear yourself say "she's getting so big!" remind yourself that "she'll never be this small again" and enjoy the present♥

  3. leopard print bathing suit! How stinking cute is she, fashionista like her momma!
    You may think its dirt but personally, I love me some AZ - Only been once but its fabulous!

  4. Fab photos Danny - love the one of you with your daughter at your shoulder. Your daughters are adorable.

  5. You crack me up about the dirt! California looks wonderful and Miss Maze is completely adorable!

  6. Looks like a fab trip all round. Such interesting dirt too ;o)

  7. Wow what a fun looking trip! So great that you all had fun. Too funny that Maze tried to eat the sand...what is it with children and eating things they really shouldn't. I the sand really that grey or is it the photo? =D

  8. 'kay, so jealous that I still haven't exposed my little man to the big blue yet. Second, I love your desert pix! They made me laugh, because I see it everyday too! XOXO


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