We recently bought a new TV (I’ll give you that story in a minute); a fancy TV that streams Pandora! So, while I play with Mazer we listen to music on the fancy new TV sent from the heavens. I’m not much of a rap fan. I appreciate the art and there are a few albums I’ve purchased, but on the whole I usually listen to folksy, Decemberists type stuff and Taylor Swift, because who doesn’t like Taylor Swift?! Pandora, being the amazing, life-altering creation that it is, plays music that is similar to what you wanted to listen to, and apparently, there is SOME rap group out in the universe that is similar to Breathe Electric (very upbeat, electronic pop music). So, in the middle of my and Clara’s bouncy, dance-y, sing-a-long fun, this random rap song started playing and as I made my way across the room to A: see who the artist was, and B: change the song, Clara began giggling. Not just a “oh, that was kind of funny” type of laugh, but a “that is quite possibly the funniest thing I ever heard in my four months of existence” type laugh. I froze in my tracks and soaked it in, even though the song had lots of not-so-nice words. Don’t call CPS on me, but I spent the next half hour leading up to nap time singing her every little bit of rap that I could think of, and it ranged from Baby Got Back to the theme song from Fresh Prince of BelAir. I looked ridiculous, I exposed my child to some very adult themes, but dang it! Dad can make car noises and she laughs! I wanted in on the fun!!
So the TV… it broke. Brent and I spent the better part of the week (since the TV broke on Cyber Monday) searching for the best deals for a TV and entertainment center. The searching paid off, because we found the perfect set up for our room!
Thank God for Ikea.
In other news, Maya came over to play so her mommy could use my sewing machine to make some burp cloths. She wasn’t able to finish, but what she did turned out great.
And possibly the most exciting thing to happen this week (aside from the rap induced giggle fit, of course), I got a lovely little package from Miss Julie over at The Intrepid Thread! I took advantage of her holiday coupon code and ordered myself some Outfoxed. SO PRETTY! I have no idea what to make with it. Suggestions??
And even though I haven’t shown you anything for a while, I PROMISE I’ve been quilting! Mostly for Comfort Quilters though, so all the quilts look exactly the same. Here’s a picture anyway. I’m finally binding. I screwed up royally so this little baby has taken me a lot longer to get out. It’s all for a good cause though, so the frustration is worth it!
I've also been brainstorming the blog revamp. I'm not really a "stock blog" type of girl so I've been designing away trying to make this blog more accessible and just more appealing. I have some ideas, but I would love to hear from you. What would you like to see?
You should check out the Cocteau Twins' Snow EP. It has some nice and dreamy Christmas songs. And of course you can't go wrong with the Charlie Brown Christmas soundtrack!