
Sunday, February 10, 2013

What I've been working on, through the eyes of Instagram

That's a whole lot of squares.

Pressing my hearts with my mini rolling pin.

We were ready to leave for the library, but Maze wanted to watch Curious George. Perfect timing! I was able to finish my hearts!

Ohmagah! I don't think I could be any more excited about this quilt if I tried!

Vampire Diaries. So much better than stitching in silence.

And THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is the very last of the 272 appliquéd hearts.

There isn't a smiley face big enough to convey my excitement right now!

I'm so excited.



  1. Whoa! This is pretty awesome. :) For some reason I feel like you're channeling Lisa Frank here. I need to get on instagram apparently, stat!

  2. Wow! Well that's a lot of squares and a lot of hearts, too! It's beautiful!

  3. So gorgeous! Loving those hearts (and that's saying something, I'm totally not a heart shape lover normally!)

  4. That is a serious number of hearts! It's going to be fabulous.

  5. Gorgeous hearts! Love the fact the laptop is set up next to the sewing machine! That's how I watch my tv, too. And Klause is starting to grow on me! Don't hate him as much anymore. :)

  6. Danny! oh my! That is amazing! How big are the hearts and what weight interfacing did you use?

  7. Cute! If I tried and tried and tried I could never stack my fabric as neatly as you bloggers do!

  8. This is great. I like the variety of fabrics and different sized hearts. Love is in the air!

  9. Love it! Great mix of colors and sizes! Well done and great fun for Valentine's Day. Thank you for sharing.

    Have a super great sewing and stitching day!

  10. Oh so cute....I'll be doing this one day!

  11. Oooh, lots of pink and lots of hearts! Will this be going to your valentine, or is he holding out for a more manly version so the littlest valentine gets it?

  12. Love that you are watching Vampire Diaries! I do the same thing when I'm quilting! lol


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