
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Embroidered Elephant Pillow

You've been asking. You've been prying. Now here it is:

Elephant Embroidery

My embroidered elephant pillow.

Elephant Embroidery back

I made this over the course of about 10 months, stitching here and there as I had time. This pillow was a gift to a friend of mine who got married last year. It was a tough one to let go of, let me tell you, but it was always theirs. I chose this fabric specifically because this friend moved to India to teach shortly after I met her. She was there on a Fulbright Scholarship and eventually came back, but I have a feeling India has left a lasting impression on her. This print just screamed "India" to me, so choosing it was easy. As I stitched, I prayed for them, had many happy thoughts of them and who they would become as a family. I couldn't keep this pillow. It BELONGED with them.

Elephant Embroidery

I'll just have to start making me one now!

Elephant Embroidery

As everyone says, the pictures really don't do it justice. I varied my stitches and played with depth a bit more than I have in the past. If you are in the Phoenix area, I will be teaching a workshop on how to create this elephant (and basic embroidery stitches) in the coming year at the Phoenix Modern Quilt Guild. You can check the website for dates, once the "powers that be" have chosen them.

Elephant Embroidery

This elephant is stitched over Valori Wells' Karavan print. I used mostly DMC embroidery floss, along with some randoms I was given to make friendship bracelets by my aunt in 4th grade. Blue background is Betz White. Back of pillow is Lizzy House 1001 Peeps. Pom pom fringe from JoAnn's.

Elephant Embroidery



  1. You have put a great deal of love into this beautiful project! Good luck with the teaching assignment!

  2. Wow Danny that is something else! You are so clever! Your friends will love it.

  3. I had no idea you were a stitching goddess! Beautiful embroidery Danny.

  4. That is amazing. I grew up in India, and seeing this makes me homesick! Beautiful!

  5. Absolutely beautiful! I am sure they will treasure it. I love how you described the happy wishes you have for them while you work on it, I think that is the best part of a handmade gift!

  6. This pillow is gorgeous! And I love that you prayed for them as you created it. What a lovely gift!

  7. Wow Danny! That is simply stunning.

  8. OH. MY. DELICIOUSNESS. That is beautifully stunning! Would you put together a primer on HOW you decided what stitches and colors to use? I would love to know!

  9. Your cushion is stunning. Such beautiful stitching.

  10. Oh my goodness, your elephant embroidery is gorgeous! No wonder you spread it out over ten months! That's a wonderful present for your friend. :)

  11. LOVE this! That is amazing and I am sure your friend will just cherish it forever!

  12. That looks amazing, I loved that ellie before, but this is extra fab!

  13. You are on schedule for April last we talked about it...I can't wait. I have never wanted to do embroidery before..but I love this!

  14. Love your elephant! Gorgeous and unique pillow! Well done! Thank you for sharing!

    Have a super great sewing and stitching day!

  15. what a gorgeous creation. I am sure your friend loves it and knowing that each stitch has a prayer that goes with it makes it so, so special.

  16. I love the combination of all the different stitches and the textures they create. :) This is beautiful! Lovely work Danny. :)

  17. Gorgeous pillow Danny! The Betz White print perfectly reminds me of a sari.

  18. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. I have seen this type of animal designed embroidery on pillow... This is so beautiful. <3


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