I've just been missing you all, and I want you to know I'm alive.

Most of my blogging efforts have been going into Stash Bee. Sign-ups ran through November and we have officially begun our 2014 year as of 1 January. We have 12 hives of 11 bees this year and I cannot wait to see what everyone has in store! I have chosen this block for my hive mates to make:
I've done some moderate purging of my fabric stash and reorganized my craft room to make more space for Mazer and soon-to-be-here Baby Lily. I love fabric, you all know that. But there is something so therapeutic about purging that which no longer suits me. I donated most of it to a local charity that makes quilts for people with cancer.
Christmas was good to us this year, as it always is. I cannot tell you how blessed I am to have such a wonderful and supportive husband. He spoiled me with some quilting necessities and we bought Maze a train table, which has been

I made Maze some letters for her wall…

And I've decided that this is the year to make her a quilt of her very own.

This one is a gift for Baby Lily from a friend of ours. Miss Maze saw it and immediately claimed it as her own! I know she won't give it up easily, so I am going to make her a very special quilt she can call her own. I have been hoarding some FFA1, 2, and 3 prints from Heather Ross, as well as some other fairy tale prints that I am going to incorporate into a big girl, twin sized quilt for her. We have framed all the Heather Ross Prints book prints on her wall, so I thought it would be only fitting to carry on the motif to her bed.
And yes. I'm STILL pregnant.

The {short} story there: My first ultrasound showed my due date as 11 January. My second and third ultrasounds (and two different doctors) showed my due date as 4 January. Based on my period, my due date should have been 4 January. And then there was the AWFUL NURSE who told me my due date should be 16 January! I'm lost. My normal doctor has been out of town. I have no idea when this baby is coming. I'm just assuming that within the next couple weeks, I will have a new little baby in the house. I have been having Braxton Hicks, lasting days (and nights). I'm well within the whole 5-1-1 (Every five minutes, one contraction, for one hour) but I know they aren't strong enough to induce active labor. So I've been waiting. Uncomfortably. In happier news, since the baby isn't here yet, I get to keep my hair appointment today, so that's something great! I NEED a haircut. I'm rocking a full blown mullet at the moment.
And finally, a few finished quilt tops I don't think I ever shared, probably because I'm waiting to actually quilt these beauties. But, just to prove I still sew occasionally:

Not too shabby, right?
I hope your head isn't spinning from my whiplash update.
So what does 2014 look like for Danny?
I'm going to learn cross stitch. I've joined the Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery Once Upon a Time Sampler.
I'm going to become long-arm certified. Brent is paying for me to take classes and become certified as my birthday/wedding anniversary gift this year! (Hence all the unfinished quilt tops. I'm saving up.)
I've joined the Pile O Fabric Skill Builder BOM.
I'm running Stash Bee and the PHXMQG Vitamin D Bee again this year.
I joined the Economy Block Along on IG and Flickr.
I am trading some squares with a friend so I can have lots of different prints. This is going to be my easy-going, as-I-have-time project for the year. I always like having those.
Oh yes, and I plan to finish a few WIPs I've been avoiding!
Thank you all for your continued love and support. I try to read up on all of you when I can! IG is the easiest platform for me lately, so if you are on there, add me! My username is dheyen.
Can't wait to see what you all have in store for 2014!