
Sunday, September 23, 2012

SS Classes: Guru Style

Two weeks ago, we saw the registration for classes at Sewing Summit, and then a whole new movement set up for those that didn't make it into classes they wanted linking up to learn new things.  This is not an opportunity the ASS Gurus could pass up, so here's what we've come up with for the free sewing times... (here's our pictures so you can find us easily)

Free-motioning on the Edge with Laura

Bit bored with free-motion quilting? Want to take it to the next level and really improve your hand eye coordination for free-motion quilting? Have you seen that game people (usually the male variety of people) play where they use a knife or a screwdriver and jab it between their fingers? Like this:

Well imagine doing this with the sewing machine needle going between your fingers instead! Much more edgy, much more daring, and the next hot thing in FMQ! Plus, if you don't like your room mate, you can ask them to let you practice on them instead! When you've free-motioned a net around their fingers, they're not going to be able to get into your stash of Echino (not without leaving blood specks and their traceable DNA on it at least), and if their fingers get infected, you can get into that booked-out class they were lucky enough to snag!

Pimp Your Pillow with Danny
Now staying in a hotel can be a wonderful experience, no cleaning, no dishes, no laundry, but have you ever noticed how boring the bed clothes usually are?  All that expanse of white just begging for a splash of colour.  Never fear, Danny is here to help you pimp your pillow to brighten up your room, and your days at Sewing Summit.

Courtesy of Mighty Crumble on Flickr
*Please note that the ASS Gurus assume no responsibility for the wrath of the hotel if you ruin their best linens...

Paper Piece Your Pals with Katy

One of the main themes of Sewing Summit is about all the friends you'll make, so what better way to honour all your new pals than by paper piecing a picture of them, you could even get them to sign it afterwards for you to embroider at a later date!  I will show you how to create a paper piecing pattern for your pal, make sure to bring plenty of peach fabric, along with the colours to match their hair and clothes.

Piece Bee With You October Block

Looking forward to seeing you all there!

The ASS Gurus



  1. I would love to get in on the pimp your pillow class...of course I'm sure the hotel wouldn't notice some missing bed linen....=D

  2. I got mistaken for you yesterday! At least, I assume it was you. "Oh, you're tiara girl on the blog". Me "Huh???"


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