
Thursday, March 15, 2012

I've been tagged

Tanya at Second Chance has tagged me in a fun question/answer series sweeping blogland! How could I say no? I love sharing my weirdness with the world!


-You must post the rules.
-Answer the 11 questions that the tagger posted for you and then create 11 questions to ask the people you've tagged.
-Tag 11 people and link them in your post (Although, I think I am going to keep this at five. Eleven seems like too much).
-Let them know you have tagged them.

Here are my questions from Tan:

1) What is the meal and/or cake you most regularly cook? I make lots of soups, but I would have to say I make my Chicken Tortilla Soup most often. Everyone loves it! As far as cake goes, I don't bake. I usually set off the fire alarms when I bake. Something about setting an alarm is just too difficult for me!

2) If you had a totally free weekend coming up (and a decent amount of cash in your wallet) what would you choose to do with the time? I think I would try to find a sitter and go up north (cooler weather) for some hiking, antiquing and geocaching. I love getting outdoors.

3) What have you made that you are most proud of? Uh, my baby? Does that count?! Haha. If we're talking crafts, I'd have to say my first complete quilt. I put it together from start to finish when I had never even attempted quilting before.

4) What makes you happy? I'm a really happy person in general. I love spending time with my family, sewing, cooking, eating, maybe eating some more, going for walks, reading... Lots of stuff. I like spending quality time with people so going out with my hubby or my BFF for a day makes me really happy! Mostly, I am blessed to have a nice place to live, food on the table, and great people around me.

5) What tip would you give me? If you're tired, sleep. I find that when I'm tired I make more mistakes and I'm grouchy. So, if you're tired, sleep. You'll be much happier, as will the people around you!

6) What was your best moment of the past year? Well, again, I'd have to say becoming a mom. It's been by far my greatest moment EVER.

7) What would you recommend as your favourite book? Just one book?! I used to really like To Kill A Mockingbird when I was in high school, but I've read so many great books now that I couldn't pick just one! The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society is a good, lazy day read that you don't have think about. The Harry Potter series is a fun fantasy read and my go-to series to read again and again. Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code series is a fun suspense series. I Am A Genius of Unspeakable Evil and I Want To Be Your Class President is an EXCELLENT book for pre-teens. So yeah. Too many to pick!

8) Are you afraid of anything? Sharks. Hand down scariest creation EVER! And I'm not too cool to admit it: I hate being alone in the dark. Scares the crap out of me. Not when I'm sleeping, of course. I'm like a vampire at night. I want PITCH BLACK. But if I'm awake, I want a light on.

9) What is your favourite drink? Mmmmm. Iced black tea.

10) What colour should I decorate my loft bedroom? My room is a deep purple and cool grey and I love it! Maybe you should try that!

11) What's your best time saving advice? Read all directions first.

Fun right?!

Ok. So here are the people I'm tagging:

Jennie from Clover and Violet
Di from Random Thoughts Do or Di
Sunni from Love Affair with my Brother
Nancy from Owen's Olivia
Cheri from I Be's Cheraldine

My questions for you:

1. What is your favorite Tom Hanks movie?
2. What is your favorite lunch spot and what do you order there?
3. What is your most embarrassing moment?
4. What would you do with the money if you won the lottery?
5. Which fabric store has the best fat quarter bundles and which one is your favorite bundle?
6. I'm coming over for breakfast and bringing the juice. Which kind should I pick up?
7. Who is your favorite artist?
8. Which song reminds you of your high school years?
9. What is your favorite item to make?
10. Which is your favorite flower?
11. Which sewing machine do you use? Does it have a name? Tell me about it.

Ok ladies. You don't have to participate just because I tagged you, but just know: All the cool kids are doing it! :)



  1. hahaha, fun! Loved your answers and yes I think having a baby counts ;)

  2. I'll participate by answering your questions. Hopefully, I'll get that up tomorrow, but I got family in town. I do want to answer them!! Thanks chica!! :) xoxo

  3. I'm participating by answering your questions! Hopefully, tomorrow since I have family in town tonight.


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