
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Mouthy Stitches Tote Bag

Did I really never post this?!

Front Complete

Here is the tote I made for Mouthy Stitches back in October.

Mouthy Stitches tote front complete (if my partner likes it, of course)

It was whisked away ON TIME and I couldn't have been more happy with how it turned out.

And now it's a tote. #mouthystitches

I will have to go put myself in the corner now. I just sent someone to my blog to look at these pictures, only to find I hadn't ever posted them. Bad Danny.

But I guess you'll be wondering what the tote I received looks like. It is amazing. Has pockets and an owl embroidered on it... problem is I can't seems to find my USB SD reader so I can't post any pictures.

Sad face.

Here are the links to the images via Flickr if you would like to see it though. Anneliese did a wonderful job!


I hope I get to join in the next round despite my apparent rudeness!



  1. oooooo that beautiful bag is hanging up in my house, being loved and proudly used to take my stuff to Brownies each week.... the girls think it's fab - thank you so much xxx

  2. Ha, that'll be the last swap you're allowed to play in til you find it ;o)

  3. so adorable! i love it.

  4. It's a lovely bag Danny. When I read the first line, I thought you hadn't sent it out in the post, and you'd just found it at the bottom of the pile! That is my worst nightmare and I'm just waiting for it to happen!

  5. Wow! This is fantastic! I love how cheerful it is. :) You did such a great job with all the different stitching you used to create the postcards and stamps. I would freak out if this arrived in my mailbox. Your partner is very lucky. :)

  6. I can hear the swap police after you - BAD Danny! ;-)

  7. The bag you made is amazing.... and so is the one you received. I cannot believe the talent that is out there!

  8. Great bag! I do remember seeing it. Maybe on FB?

  9. It's so nice! Love the postcard-ness.


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