
Sunday, December 23, 2012

Dish Towel Tutorial

I have been trying to post this for three days. Fingers crossed Santa brings me a new computer for Christmas!!

Festive towels! #projectchristmasfy

I have had a few requests for a Christmas towel tutorial after I posted this picture on Instagram. There isn't much to these and they are so super pretty, perfect for a quick holiday gift!


- Flour sack dishtowels (I bought some at the local grocery store and at Ikea. I like the ones from Ikea best because they are exactly 1/2 yard wide.)
- Fabric in different Christmas prints
- White thread (I used Aurifil 50wt)
- Pins

Layout design

First, measure the width of your dishtowel and add 1/2" to the total. This will give you the width you should cut your fabric. As I mentioned above, I love the Ikea dishtowels because I could use a half yard cut to make the decorated fabric strips. You can then decide how tall you want your decorated fabric to be. I cut mine to about 6".

Press SA

Press the four sides under 1/4".


Lay the pressed fabric right side up on the towel. Position it where you would like it to be stitched. I like mine at the bottom of one side. Pin the edges.

Zig zag stitch

Using a zig zag stitch, stitch over the pressed seam with your white thread, making sure to backstitch or knot at the beginning and end.

Erika Towels Close Up

Erika Towels

And that's it! Super simple!



  1. Well now I can't wait to get down to Ikea again...aren't those just the cutest things! Thanks! :)

  2. What a great, quick project! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Do you prewash your towels before adding the border?

  4. Hee hee, love the fabric! Hope Santa delivered, my bonus went shopping in Amazon warehouse for a new PC for me today...


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