
Friday, July 27, 2012

{Giveaway} Totally Groovy QAL

So... I'm lame. I totally forgot to tell you all the best part about yesterday's post: I have a pattern to give away!!

Totally Groovy Quilt Along at Pile O' Fabric

My friend Alyssa over at Pile O'Fabric is hosting the Totally Groovy QAL using this awesome pattern by Carolina Patchworks and she has offered one to me to give away to one of you!

Flippin' sweet, right?!

Groove Quilt Pattern

Want to win? Leave me ONE COMMENT telling me which Disney movie is your favorite and why. Personally, I bypass the princess-y flicks for the under appreciated humor of The Emperor's New Groove and Hercules. I mean, who doesn't love llamas or dancing statues??

Best of luck to you! I'll close the giveaway midnight Sunday MST. Tell your friends! This one is psychedelic!



  1. woohoo - im a total sucker for mulan just because its different than all the princess-y movies and shes got some a strong personality and power in it! (all girls high school, is it showing?? haha)

  2. There is no contest here. TIGGER is the best ever. I've been patted on the head by Tigger at Disney Florida. I was 25 at the time, but he picked me out over all the little kids. Maybe because I was more excited than they were!
    Thanks for the chance to win

  3. Agree with above - mulan. Love the music in it, and makes me giggle.

  4. Thanks for the giveaway! 101 Dalmations, the original. It came out when I was seven or so and since that was pre-VCRs; I had to wait until it came back out at the movies to see it again, which for Disney movies was usually 7-10 years.

  5. Pixar is Disney, right? In that case, I've always loved Ratatouille.

  6. I'm so old school...I still love beauty and the beast! Thanks for the pattern giveaway! I can't wait to get started.

  7. I always loved Robin Hood with the foxes! I used to watch it non stop as a kid!

  8. I am totally hooked on Tarzan, LOL. I have watched it tons of times, own the DVD, and finally got rid of the VHS that I wore out. It's just so stinking cute.

  9. I've signed up for this QAL and can't wait. I laughed and laughed at Toy Story 3...Very funny, pity I was on a flight from Dublin to Melbourne...I got a few funny looks.

  10. Thanks for the chance to enter to win this pattern - then can work on the QAL. Favorite movie: the original Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
    as was the first movie I saw in a theatre.

  11. i to like snow white and the seven dwarfs thanks for the giveaway

  12. I have always said that The Little Mermaid was my favorite, but I really like Up as well!

  13. I love Brave. The landscapes took my breath away.

  14. Olá,A Pequena Sereia é o que ando assistindo no momento,estamos em férias,e é um monte de sobrinhas em casa,tem até briga por epsó

  15. I love Cars but my favorite "classic" is Sleeping Beauty.

  16. Fantasia is my favorite... the original version

  17. I just saw Hercules for the first time. It was good. My favorite is Monsters Inc. if that's not Disney, I like Prince of Egypt too.

  18. My favorite is Mary Poppins. It is such a classic. Thanks for the chance to win.

  19. I love "Alice in Wonderland" no matter who makes it. Thanks for the opportunity to win this pattern since I've joined the quilt-along.

  20. My fave is still Bambi and I just watched it again last weekend with my little niece.

  21. SO hard to choose-- love so many for so many different reasons. Toy Story 3 is a huge favorite, but also love Enchanted! Very excited for the QAL-- I think i have even picked out my fabric!! Thanks for the giveaway chance!

  22. I love a number of Disney movies. One of my favorites is The Lion King, that's Disney right? lol

  23. Oh I do love Hercules! That reminds me I need to rent it... For my kids of course ;) my favorite is The Little Mermaid though. I love the singing

  24. The Lion King is my choice! I love the music and oh how I love the voice overs! Thanks for the chance to win the pattern. :-)

  25. Hercules is probably the one I've seen the most, but Aladdin is my all time favourite!

  26. Bedknobs and Broomsticks. As a child this movie would always make me feel better!

  27. My favorite Disney move is Beauty and the Beast. I remember going to the movies when it was in theatres and bawling my eyes out at the end. Even as a little kid I was always getting emotional at the end of movies.

    Oddly enough it's also my husband's favorite movie, and much to his dismay, our daughters aren't all too interested in watching it the several times we attempted to get them to watch it.

  28. I like The Parent Trap. I laugh out loud every time during the scene where the dad is trying to tell her that he's engaged, and she tells him that she always wanted a big sister. lol

  29. Love the fox and the hound. Cry every time
    Ps love the quilt pattern

  30. There are many. I say: Wall E. Thanks for the chance to win.

  31. I think I'll pick Mulan, as it is one my sister did NOT watch a million times as a kid! Thanks for the chance!

  32. I would say Lion King, because it reminds me of when my son was little and he watched it all the time! Thanks for a chance to win!!

  33. I think I'll go with Mary Poppins. That the choice for today, tomorrow I might have another one. Too many good ones to choose from.


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