
Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day (and lots of pics of Maze)

I was going to say this was the best Mother's Day ever, but I didn't think that would be fair just because this is the first one where I was celebrated.

This weekend was a blur. It started with packing up my little sister and sending her off to Texas with her new hubby. I still can't believe she's married. She wasn't even out of the house before my brother moved into her nice, big room. I suppose being the youngest, he's overly excited about finally getting the "best of the best" now that his two older sisters are finally out of the way! We had to paint the room before he moved in, obviously. Wouldn't want him chastised at school for a pink room! Anyway, long story short, this weekend included a lot of moving, painting, decorating and reorganizing. You should SEE my sewing space! SO MUCH BETTER. I have room for a playpen now!! But I said this story would be short, so here are some pictures anyway.




While daddy was off at church shredding on his guitar, mommy and Maze ate a nutritious breakfast of some mushing, off-white stuff and a flavorless wheat biscuit... yum...


Later, we went to my grandparent's house for a BBQ and some swimming. Since I was in the pool, I don't have very many pictures, but here's one of Maze and her G-pa (Brent's dad). If I get any other pictures from the other photographers at the BBQ, I'll post them later, well, as long as they aren't offensive... We ARE all in swimsuits, after all!


And my most favoritest Mother's Day gift of all. My MIL secretly had Miss Maze fingerprint this AH-mazing picture for me! As soon as I have some cash, I am going to frame this bad boy and put it up in my newly refreshed sewing space! I think it's the PERFECT way to spruce up my little creative corner of the house!

And here I am, at 1am on the day after my wonderful Mother's Day still wishing my little lady would JUST GO TO SLEEP!

Hope you all enjoyed your Mother's Day as much as I did and I hope you were able to get to sleep at a decent hour!



  1. Bless her. That sounds like the most perfect day. Sewing space picture please!!

  2. OMG! She is gorgeous and that card is the best ever.

  3. Glad you had such a fabulous Mother's Day! I love those pics of your daughter, especially that second one. Adorable!

  4. What a nice MIL for making that great card for you! Glad your Mothers Day was fun.

  5. What a perfect day. Those hand prints don't get any less precious...did you see what I got from Michael's family? Congrats on your first Mother's Day.

  6. Glad you had a great Mother's Day. I love the artwork your daughter made. I have a few watercolor pictures my son painted when he was a toddler that I still need to get framed. Handmade gifts from your child are the best!

  7. What a great present! I have an "original artwork" hanging behind my sewing desk too!

  8. Lovely - glad you had an awesome first one xxx

  9. How awesome! What a fabulous sounding day! I'll be looking forward to the sewing space reveal! =D

  10. AWE! how precious - I'm glad you had a great mothers day!!

  11. Aww, glad you had such a fun day (seriously though, matching dummy and swimsuit?! ;o) )

  12. Happy first mothers day! Could she be any cuter?

  13. Yay for a great first Mother's Day! That gift from your MIL was beyond adorable and thoughtful! Glad you had a great day!


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