
Sunday, May 27, 2012

ASS Guru Sunday

Hi everybody, it's that time of the week again, where ASS gurus answer any little question that may be pressing on your mind...

This week's question came from Rachael, Katie and Sara (hmm, obviously they think that if there's 3 of them, then they'll get 3 answers...)

Dear ASS Gurus,

Should my friends and I make matching dresses to wear at sewing summit? Should we use the same fabric? Maybe in different colorways?


Fashion Fried in Findlay

After last summer's 2 dresses, I was the obvious choice for this one...

Dear Fashion Fried,

So you feel you need to be in some kind of uniform?  Did you go to school in the UK, Australia or South Africa by any chance?  Have fond memories of working at McDonalds or Pizza Hut?  You can get therapy for those kind of things you know, or alternatively, my mum was just complaining the other day that my old school uniforms are still in the wardrobe at home, I'm sure they'd fit one of you...

Still, if you're determined to persevere with this, you will, of course, need to find a truly stand out pattern - none of that Simplicity or McCalls crap for you, oh no, straight to the vintage Vogue.  This will give you all loads of stories to tell:

  • the pain of tracking down the pattern on e-bay, which cost more than college fees for your first born, is actually three sizes too small, has a coffee stain on that really important part of the directions on the zip, and is missing the sleeve gusset pattern piece
  • how difficult it was to size it for all of you, and how many times you had to resew the darts before converting to a princess line to avoid the Madonna 80's look
  • the challenge of working with velvet and getting the pile all going the right way (what, it's nearly winter, in October, it snowed last year, did you think you could get away with flimsy cotton?!)
Might I suggest the following choices - you will, of course, require a range of outfits depending on the time of day:

For the opening evening:

Photo courtesy of
The gloves are obviously a must for this outfit as you glide around the room meeting people - all those hands to shake, who knows where they've been - eewww!

For class time:

Photo courtesy of
The practical nature of this outfit will be ideal for sitting in classes, no uncomfortable net underskirt to contend with.  Obviously, if you're making the hat too, you will need to sit at the back of the room so your big head doesn't block anyone else's view...

For going out on the Friday evening for dinner:

Photo courtesy of
You will need to stay warm when out for dinner on the Friday, but it's still only autumn, you can probably pass up on the full on winter coat.

For the closing night:

Photo courtesy of
This is your last night, so obviously you will need to make a statement so that no-one forgets you.  Of course with skirts this size, you'll only be able to fit the three of you round the one table, but everyone will remember you!

To avoid the freaky triplet look, I suggest you each choose a colour of the day as your signature colour, and perhaps you could each make up a slightly different view for every outfit.  


Ass Guru

Now don't forget, if you have a ridiculous question you would like a ridiculous answer to, please submit it in the comments below so a Guru can address it for you.



  1. I totally read that on her blog and it cracked me up. Even reading it the second time still has me in stitches! Gotta love those 50s outfits! =D

  2. Hey, i was thinking maybe velvet onsies???

    1. Mmm. Yes! With ruffle bloomers and furry boots. That would be perfect!


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