
Thursday, April 5, 2012


Today was going to be great. Busy and great. Just the way I like it.

I woke up refreshed, hoping to take a few pictures of my projects for WIP Wednesday; hoping to play with Maze on the floor and sing along to Jake and the Neverland Pirates, but that's not what I feel like doing now.

Now, I feel like praying. Hard.

This morning I found out my friends Jeremy and Tera's son Caleb has been diagnosed with cancer. He's 8. EIGHT!

I can't stop crying, thinking about how I would be shattered if my little Clara-bug were diagnosed with such a pointless and ridiculous disease. As a parent, I ache for them. As a friend, I want to fight for them. They are an amazingly strong and I know they are going to make it through this lemon with poise as a unified family.

So why am I sharing this?

I want your positive vibes.

I want your happy thoughts.

I want you prayers.

And I want them all directed at a little hospital room in Mesa, Arizona, USA where a little man and his family are learning how to move forward from this point.

He starts chemo on Friday.

If you are interested in learning more, visit their blog:



  1. Oh sweetheart that is awful. I'm sending all those things to the room and your friends x

  2. So sorry to hear your sad news - my prayers are with your friends and their little boy. It sounds like he's in very good hands and is a real trooper. Here's hoping there'll be better news soon.

  3. I'm so sorry to be reading this danny, but the positive vibes, thoughts and prayers are headed their way xx

  4. oh Danny - I cannot imagine anything worse; I'm obviously sending love over to you all x

  5. Terrible news Danny - so so sorry to read this. Sending it all over to you, your friends and Caleb x

  6. There cannot be anything worse than hearing this news. I have added Caleb, his parents, family and friends and all the doctors treating him to my prayer list. With loving thoughts, di

  7. Oh Danny, I'm so sorry to hear this. I will pray for you all and hope for the best.

  8. I'm so sorry to hear a little one has to go through this. Caleb and his family will be in my thoughts.

  9. Oh Danny, so sorry to hear this. I would be shattered as well. Praying for that family.

  10. What awful news! Sending my happy thoughts and good vibes!

  11. That is my nightmare. Sending prayers out for your friends and that sweet boy!

  12. Oh my lovely, that is devastating. Sending lots of hugs and good vibes x x x

  13. i am so sorry to hear this, you and your friend are in my thoughts and prayers.

  14. Hey Danny. You are a strong woman. I wouldn't know the words to say to a family with that kind of affliction. I pray that he can overcome this. I would be devastated if that happened to Owen.

    As for happy thoughts, I dreamed I came over to your house. You were hosting a blogging conference, and it was a hit!

  15. Gosh I'm so sorry! We'll be praying for Caleb. My Emma is 8. I can't imagine this happening to her.

  16. Sorry I missed this before, hope he comes through safely

  17. My prayers are going up for Caleb and his family and his doctors.

  18. My prayers are with Caleb and his family. I am so sorry to hear about that, but through prayer anything can happen:>

    Thanks for stopping by the Sunday Blog Hop on Blissful and Domestic. I am following you via twitter, facebook, and pinterest:>

  19. wait are you on facebook and twitter? only found pinterest

  20. oh no. i'm so sorry and hope he is in route to a strong recovery. he'll be in my prayers.


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