
Thursday, March 29, 2012

The best laid plans...

are often destroyed by mucus and wet sneezes. That's the saying, right? No? Oh... well it should be.

Today I was supposed to go hang out with one of my very best friends in the whole wide world. Instead I'm sitting in my soccer shorts and a tee, the sleeves of which are coated in a nice layer of Mazer snot, watching House Hunters and needing tissues.

The plan was to go to Ira's, have some lunch, catch up (since SOMEONE decided to go to Seattle for freaking forever drastically cutting into our hang out time), and take pictures of Clara. Ira is a fantastic photographer. I'm always jealous of the pretty pictures she takes of her little lady, Maya. Want to see what I mean? Of course you do.

Anyway, not taking pictures of Maze today. Instead we are wallowing in our yuck, counting down the hours until daddy comes home and can help me hold down the heathen while I sucker all the snot out of her nose. Trust me. It's a two person job. I even clipped her nails in anticipation of the struggle. Meanwhile, I'm kicking back tea like it's going out of style in hopes that I will feel better for the weekend. There's nothing worse than being sick on the only days you have "off". And well, I guess in my case, the only days I have HELP.

So send us your positive vibes and cross your fingers that Miss Maze and I will be feeling well enough to get some sewing in this weekend.



  1. Hope you both feel better soon!

  2. Ewww sounds messy and gross. I'll cross my nice un-snot covered fingers for you =D

  3. Hope you feel better soon! Your valor star looks great!

  4. Sorry missy, you've dropped off again, so all I can say is URGH for today, hope you're all 100% soon. Loving the start of your strip tease and congrats on Riley Blake!

  5. feel better soon! those photos are too adorable!

  6. Sick days completely suck when you have little ones to take care of! Sorry you're missing your friend day, but hopefully you both will feel better soon!

  7. Oh no Danny, that's the worst! I hope the little one feels better so you can all enjoy some fun time soon! Sending get well vibes your way.

  8. The sick is going around like crazy. Feel better soon!

  9. That sucks Danny! But you know, snot is a very stylish addition to any outfit ;o)
    Hope you both feel better soon x

  10. I hope you feel better soon. I know what you mean, our little guy has gotten a dozen or so colds this season.

  11. Stopping by via Lily's Quilts. Hope you and the little one feel better soon - I HATE colds!

  12. Had to visit you after the "Sinus Cavity Drainage Green" On Quokka Quilts....and I see you are having an all round puke-ish kind of time. No wonder you have snot on the brain....well not REALLY. ...that would be even more horrendous...Get better all of you.. esp Ms Maize


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