
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

WIP Wednesday

For those of you who don't know, I've been sick this week meaning I had to postpone sharing my fun weekend adventures with you. I'll keep it short, but here are the highlights:

First, I made a new Flickr group! I wanted a place where you could share any of the projects you've made using tutorials you found on my site. There are a couple projects already posted. Feel free to take a look around and please share anything you've made inspired by Mommy For Reals!!!

Secondly, this weekend brought Erika's Bachelorette Party! Holla! There is a dance fitness studio in Tempe that offers pole dancing classes and naturally, we just couldn't pass that up, especially since we had an such a perfect excuse! I won't go into too many details, but we had a GREAT time. I'm seriously considering going back to join one of the ongoing fitness classes with some of the girls. Even though we only had a short party, the next day my legs were super sore. And I liked it!

Some of the girls asked that I leave the pictures out, so you are just going to have to use your imaginations!

Thirdly, Di. I've been looking forward to Saturday for a few weeks now. Saturday was the day that I met Di of Random Thoughts Do or Di!!! We're talking THE Di! I was humbled that someone as amazing as her would want to meet little ol' me. I had the greatest time chatting with her about sewing and family and Downton Abbey, which I started watching this weekend, btw. BIG mistake. I don't have time to get obsessed with a new show this close to the wedding! Anyway, Di is fab and I can't wait to see her again!


-Stash Bee block. This one was a pain, for real. I screwed up about ten times before I got it right.

-Last x and + block for the swap. I now have enough to send them in!

-Wedding decor. Can't believe the wedding is only a few days away!

-Made the garter. Looking fancy.

New Projects:


To Do List:
-I made some more progress on the mystery project

-Waiting on my polka dot fabric for the charm swap. When it gets here, I have to cut it.

ruby dot

-I'm really behind now. I have 3 QAL blocks to do. Big time fail.
-Quilting For Kids block. For those of you who don't know about Sarah's mission, she collects blocks from people who volunteer to make them and puts together quilts for kids in foster care. It's a great cause, the blocks always have tutorials and if you are feeling particularly charitable, you should sign up to make one! This time, we are making asterisk blocks.
-Beejeebers Block. I am making a block based on Candyland and I have it all designed. Now, I just need to put it together!
-Curves Class hosted by Stitched in Color started last week and I haven't made any of the projects since I've been so busy. I bought the materials though. That should count for something. SO, I guess those projects should make this "to do" list too.
-Kindle cover
-Something special for my sister's birthday (in progress)

I decided to take off the things that aren't going to be worked on any time soon. I feel less panic when I see a shorter "to do" list. Anyone feel me?

Linking up!



  1. Sounds like you had a great weekend and you met Di - how wonderful! How exciting to be approaching your wedding...those last days can be stressful but so so happy too. Lovely blocks!

    1. It's my best friend's wedding, but it's just as much work as my own!

  2. great job on the wedding decor!!

  3. Love that Stash Bee block! Sounds like you're a busy lady this week, all the best with the wedding!

  4. Good luck with the wedding! It looks like you have a lot going on but your bee block looks nice!

  5. Your block turned out Fab! I am also waiting on my polka dot fabric to arrive so I can cut it up and send it off :)
    The wedding decor is awesome,only a few days to go! Enjoy all the fruits of your labor :)

  6. Thanks for the shout out. I really enjoyed meeting you too. Funny how a generation+ apart and we can still be friends.

  7. yeah, smart move not posting pole dancing pics. hilarious!! you have quite the embroidery skills. i have a book that matt gave me one year for christmas. i love it! it has every single stitch you can think of in there. but my skills need improving. what stitch do you like to use for letters?

  8. Wow, what beautiful projects. I love the quilt blocks. Popping by from the 36th Ave blog hop. I enjoyed my visit!

    Warmly, Michelle


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