
Friday, February 17, 2012

Things I Loved This Week: Sick Edition

Yeah. I've been sick most of the week so my "things I love" are going to reflect it!

This stuff is amazing. It lets me go from, "Heeeeellllllppppp! I'm too sick to get off the couch!" to "I guess since I'm well enough to get up I should clean these used baby bottles."

I love straw cups. If I could, I wouldn't drink from anything else. I seriously drink so much more water everyday if I'm using a straw cup.

Sherlock. SO GOOD. I'm only slightly bummed that they only have three episodes per season... and that Netflix only has the first season.

Puffs. With lotion. You can't forget the lotion.

Despite being sick, I was able to get a little bit completed this week, like continuing the process of organizing my craft room. This is my new peg board. I'm hoping there will be some cork board to keep it company soon.

A hot shower. I didn't want to show you all a picture of ME enjoying a hot shower, so I thought of Googling "hot shower" to bring you a beautiful picture of a steamy shower... yeah. Don't Google "hot shower".

Someone should stitch that onto a pillow.

Downton Abbey. What else am I going to do when I'm sick?? I watched the whole first season on Netflix, but now I have to wait for the second season to make it's way to the queue. Bummed major.

Birch Abacus Basics. I really need some more basics.

And baby teeth. Too cute.



  1. Get well soon honey - PS Sherlock second series is worth the wait!

  2. I have to agree with Bird there ... Sherlock is worth the wait - I'm now rather unpatiently waiting for the third ... If you like Downton Abbey did you ever venture to "Cranford"?

  3. You can watch the whole second season of DA here I need to check out the Sherlock one, it's on that webpage too. I hope you are feeling better. Tissues with lotion are the best for a sore, runny nose. HUGS!!!

  4. wait till you get to the last episode of sherlock that we have just seen !!!
    they are starting filming the next series of downton next month cant wait to find out the goings on !!hope you feel better soon.
    question !!!!how did you get the flickr button on your blog ................please .

  5. Danny - for real. you are my cyber bff. first off, i am adding a peg board to my craft room too, and it will more than likely be painted. how funny!! second, we like sherlock too! third, i love downton as well AND you can watch the entire second season THIS sunday starting at 1? 2? EST on PBS. we can "watch" it together- lol.

  6. and mazer and owen can get married when they are older. say goodbye to landon or whoever her boyfriend is right now.

  7. and last comment- i swear. i forgot to mention that i LMBO about the "hot shower." don't ever type in homtail either. or for dick's sporting goods.

  8. We've just been to see the Sherlock movie. Absolutely fantastic. I like that abacus fabric, but I really can't buy any more at the moment!

  9. I also love straw cups. I need to by more so I'll always have one that's clean!

  10. I am in total agreement with your list of sick things. Lotion in the tissue is a MUST as is hot showers. I live in the shower when I'm sick.

    And those Birch basics!! Gorgeous! I haven't seen those so now that I have, I may have to have them!

    Hope you feel better soon!!


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