
Friday, August 26, 2011

New Friends

Yesterday Clara and I visited my friend Ira who just gave birth to a daughter a few days after I gave birth to Clara. The idea was for me to bring lunch over, for us to sit down while both of our lovely little ladies napped to enjoy said lunch and after maybe have a nice conversation while our babies sat quietly... Yeah. That didn't happen. Instead, we took turns feeding our very boisterous daughters as quickly as possible to end the loud cries of discontent, then we ate our own sandwiches savagely, managing to drop only bits onto our children as we ate because, let's face it, putting the babies down was not an option.

The girls had a great time meeting each other though. They are going to be friends. They have no choice.

Here you can see they were jamming out to what I imagine to be the melodic sound of a friendship in the making.

Overall, the visit was a success. Ira and I were able to spend some time together, the babies were in the same condition when I left as when I arrived and best of all, we got to eat our yummy favorite, Paradise Bakery.

Juggling Clara to take this outing was a challenge, but totally worth it!

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